Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life time Friends

Quick post about life time friends. today i helped tara and bob move out of there house and move everything into storage. after 8 hours of moving boxes and other horrible items we went to roosters a restaurant right by my house and drank some beer and ate some food and told some stories we've all heard a million times. i love these times with my friends because it reminds me all that i've been through with them and without them they will always be there for me. i go through my ups and downs with tara but i'll always love her she's done more for me than anyone (even her) will ever know

i got to hang out with good friends derrick eli cody purdy and harry as well today which was good for the soul they are some of the funniest guys i know they keep us all entertained while trying to move 4 trailer loads full of stuff and a big uhaul might i say... IN THE SNOW! it was horribly cold but eli gave me his gloves so at least my hands were warm!!! thanks eli

other than that tonight i'm spending time with gammy her sister and neices and nephews who are around my age so that should be fun they are an interesting bunch always funny stories, most of which arnt true, but still funny.

and tomorrow is back to the normal routine of work and eat and sleep but next weekend i'm hoping to go home and see my daddy... cause i miss him... love you daddy

this is why i'm best friends with her... i'm pleased to introduce to you my BEST FRIEND!!!! TTTAAAARRRAAAA GGGAAARRRIIISSSOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. What a great friend you are! Tara is a lucky lady, and I'm a lucy dad, so next weekend! Looking forward to it.
    I'll make mach chicken!
